Charlie Sheens Mother Was Raped, Justin Bieber in the Middle and Brangelinas Twins Have Down Syndrome

Kim Kardashian gives people a sneak peek at her Super Bowl ad. There will be cleavage. [Kim Kardashian]

  • Charlie Sheens mom is the product of rape which means his grandfather is a rapist which could explain his love of hookers and porn stars wholl do whatever he wants. Or maybe hes just an asshole. [WWTDD]
  • I shudder to think what the Teen Moms and the cast of Jersey Shore talked about on their girls night out. Hopefully the quickest way to remove their uterus. [The Superficial]
  • Katie Price will divorce Alex Reid on their one year anniversary. Classy. [Holy Moly]
  • Somehow Justin Bieber gets caught in Christina Millian and The Dreams divorce crossfire. The children are always the ones who suffer. [Celebuzz]
  • Alice Parkinson has awesome gastrocnemius muscles. Man, that sounds so sexy. [Hollywood Rag]
  • That gay Portuguese model that killed and mutilated his sugardaddy was only charged with 2nd degree murder. [Bossip]
  • Katherine Heigl will replace Halle Berry in the movie she had to drop out of because Gabriel Aubry wants her baby. Something like that. [Lainey]
  • Sarah Shahi is really good at posing in her bra and panties. [Popoholic]
  • Star says Brad and Angelinas twins have down syndrome. Wait? Did they just call their kids retarded? [Dlisted]
  • Jim Cantore may have never experienced thundersnow. Listening to him, its almost as exciting as child birth. [TDW]
  • Elton John says Billy Joel is an alcoholic and needs tougher rehab. Out come the claws. [Popcrunch]
  • Julianne Houghs Got Milk campaign is good news for perverts everywhere. [Busted Coverage]


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