Lindsay Didnt Borrow That Necklace

Lindsay Lohans fate wont be decided until next week, but her I just borrowed the necklace defense is quickly unraveling like a sweater someone tried to pull the security tag off of. And thats two prepositions I just ended that sentence with (make that 3!). My sixth grade English teacher can suck it. TMZ says:

You cant just walk in and borrow jewelry from Kamofie & Company, because theres TONS of red tape to get through first.

The jewelry store owner [says when she] loans out jewelry, [there is] paperwork that needs to be filled out, [including] an itemized list of what the customer is borrowing, a signed contract claiming responsibility for the item while its out of the store, and credit card and insurance information in case anything goes wrong.

Sofia wouldnt comment on the Lindsay situation but the surveillance tape could be the smoking gun here if it shows Lindsay signing any paperwork or not.

Its Lindsay Lohan! What could possibly go wrong? She might accidentally snort the necklace or try to ram it down the back of her throat, but you cant fault her for that. Thats like getting mad at the retard on the bus for drooling on your coat.

PHOTO CREDIT: Fame Pictures

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