Lindsay Lohan Jewelry Heist: "It Makes No Sense," Says Pal

Fame PicturesLindsay Lohan just can't catch a break!As you may have heard, the embattled actress could now be facing a grand theft investigation in the case of a stolen $2,500 necklace.So is LiLo really a thief? Here's what one of her pals is telling us...TWITTER: Follow @marcmalkin and @brettmalec"Honestly, it makes no sense," Lohan's jewelry designer buddy Pascal Mouawad told us at last night's launch party for his jewelry line with Kim Kardashian, Belle Noel. "I've lent her jewelry worth a lot more than $5,000; she's always returned it. So I don't see in her anything of that sort. I'm actually surprised myself."So how is the recently rehabbed starlet doing amidst her bevy of controversies?"I think she's back on track," he said. "Physically, she looks beautiful. She gained weight. She's healthy.""She seems really back to normal," Mouawad added. "She wants to make a difference. She wants to get her career back on track. She wants to grow again."VIDEO: Is DWTS in Lindsay's future?
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