Is Superman Wilde for Lois Lane?

BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM; Carlos Alvarez/Getty ImagesLook up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman!A womanless Superman, that is.While Henry Cavill is set to play the Man of Steel in a reboot of the superhero movie franchise, the Lois Lane guessing game marches on. The newest name to pop up on the list of possibilities to play Clark Kent's fellow Daily Planet reporter is House beauty Olivia Wilde.While reports that Wilde, most recently seen in Tron, has tested for the part...PHOTOS: Casting Couch
A source tells me things haven't even gotten that far nor has she even met with director Zack Snyder...yet.But "she's definitely on the list of contenders," the source said. Latino Review also says that producers of Wilde's next flick Kin are already making precautionary plans to accommodate Wilde if she lands the coveted comic book role.A rep for Wilde did not comment.In other Snyder news, I hear the soundtrack to his upcoming Sucker Punch is coming along quite nicely. A cover of the Eurythmics' classic "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These)" performed by Emily Browning (she plays Baby Doll in the action fantasy flick) opens the movie, a source reveals.Other cost! ars hear d singing in the movie include Carla Gugino and Oscar Isaac. Oddly enough, Vanessa Hudgens, who plays Blondie, is MIA from the soundtrack.So is costarJon Hamm. Heck, we don't even know if the strikingly handsome hunkster can sing, but who cares? We'd listen to him recite a telephone book.WATCH: Olivia Wilde gets turned on
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