Quickies: Smooth Moves

This is the prettiest girl in Wichita. Yeah, remind me never to move to Kansas. (The Dirty)

Tiffany outs NKOTBs Jonathan Knight, who then claims he outed himself years ago. If anybody cared, I suppose this would be news. (Bitten & Bound)

Teens having sex and taking drugs on TV! Apparently nobodys parents ever went to high school. (College Candy)

This is both hypnotic and revolting. Mostly revolting. (Dirty Rotten Whore)

The Christian version of Beyonces Single Ladies would make Jesus weep. Tears of laughter, because its so damn awful. (Jezebel)

Lauren Conrad is deemed attractive by those in a position to decide these things. I was not asked to participate in said council, because I would have nayed that bitch for sure. (CityRag)

Breaking news: Jennifer Aniston confronts Perez Hilton! Shocking details at who-gives-a-fuck. (Celebitchy)

KFC doubles down on Spencer Pratt. I really hope doubles down means beats within an inch of his life. (Agent Bedhead)

Lindsay Lohan bust ed by paparazzi wearing that stolen necklace. Liar, liar, pants on oh, thank God she has pants on. That kind of stank lingers. (TMZ)

Star Magazine alleges that Brad and Angelinas twins Knox and Vivienne have Downs Syndrome. (popbytes)

Megan Fox in shorts and thigh-high pantyhose. (Celebrity Odor)

The Top 5 Sexy Katy Perry Gifs. Is there one where she drives herself off a cliff and the car explodes on impact? (Celeb Jihad)

No teenage boy should ever hug his mom this way Justin Bieber included. (Hollywood Rag)

Because hooters are good. And who couldnt use a daily dose of goodness? (UseMyComputer)

Sarah Shai in Esquire makes my lady parts tingle. (Moe Jackson)

Paz de la Huerta is in desperate need of pressed powder. Or a hazmat team with that foaming spray they used to clean up the Gulf. (Go Fug Yourself)

Ha ha Jennifer Tilly wipes out in front of a restaurant! Old people falling down is always good for a laugh. (INF Daily)

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