Jane Lynch Bitches About Breeding

Dave Hogan/Getty ImagesDon't look for Jane Lynch to be breeding anytime soon.No, we're not talking about having more kids with her wife of eight months, Lara Embry...MORE GLEE: Who's singing "America The Beautiful" at the Super Bowl?The funny lady is urging the USA Network to air a new PETA television PSA during its upcoming coverage of the famed Westminster Dog Show."Although I played an ambitious dog trainer in Best in Show, in real life I wouldn't go near the Westminster Dog Show because it promotes the breeding of animals even as millions are dying for homes in shelters," Lynch writes in a letter to the network.The PSA shows pet owners walking, playing and riding in cars with dogs that are in body bags, representing the "more than 4 million animals who must be euthanized each year because of a lack of good homes," Lynch also writes.The PSA closes with the question, "If you buy a dog, what will you do with the shelter dog you kill?"Reps for USA and Westminster did not comment.VIDEO: Watch With Kristin Chats With Jane
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