Quickies: Second Helpings
Zac Efron just cant quit Vanessa Hudgens. I assume she has all the best hairstyling tools. (CelebSlam)
Anne Hathaway to star in the sequel to Simple Jack, Simple Anne. Or else her stylist is legally blind. (Hollywood Rag)
Mila Kunis borrowed Michelle Obamas Alexander McQueen dress for the SAG Awards. (The Blemish)
Charlie Sheens porn star Kacey Jordan was once pregnant with K-Feds kid. So shes clearly the bastion of sound decision and wisdom youd expect a 22-year old porn star to be. (The Dirty)
Alexa Vega bikini pics! (GCeleb)
Is The Fighter worth all the hype? In a word, yes. (Pajiba)
Shannon Dohertys sleeping infomercial is NOT a joke. Its all too painfully real. (Jezebel)
Scarlett Johansson sideboob for the win! (Dirty Rotten Whore)
Angie Harmon looks like she stole Paris Hiltons ball gown at the SAG Awards. I still love her though. (Celebrity Smack)
David Arquette is out of rehab. Im sure hes all fixed now. (Evil Beet)
The real Mark Zuckerberg confronts Jesse Eisenberg and Andy Samberg on SNL. Its a metting of the Bergs! (Bitten & Bound)
Somebody please explain Julie Bowdens jumpsuit to me. I cant see past the lapels. (Moe Jackson)
Kim Kardashian has the worst cry face in the history of cry faces. And shes crying over artsy naked pictures. Am I the only one seeing the irony here? (Holy Moly!)
The 2011 Sports Illustrated cover model short list revealed! (COED Magazine)
Emily Blunt is a blond now. I dont like it. (Celebitchy)
Ron Jeremy and James Cameron together? Maybe to make and Avatar porno. (Seriously? OMG)
Mark Cirillo is naked. Youre welcome. (omg blog)
Selena Gomez caught fondling herself on a webcam. She must not know how that ne! w-fangle d internet works. (Celeb Jihad)
Sofia Vergara looks just as hot at the Directors Guild Awards as she did at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. (Celebrity Odor)
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