Will Justin Bieber Die On 'CSI'?

'CSI' star George Eads teases the pop star's fate on the show.
By Jocelyn Vena

Justin Bieber
Photo: Stephen Lovekin/ WireImage

Sorry Beliebers! It doesn't look like Justin Bieber's character on "CSI" will live to see another day, according to co-star George Eads. Bieber shot his second episode of the show, scheduled to air in February, earlier this month.

"He's a cool kid," Eads told E! Online. "He's in the eye of a hurricane and I think he handles himself really well ... We had a lot of intense scenes together. We got along really well. I really respect the kid."

Eads goes on to tease that Bieber's character meets his fate at his hand. "One of my crew guys goes, 'Man you're going to split the country down the middle half of them are going to hate you and half of them are going to love you,' " Eads said. "In the context of the story, he deserved it. I think in a way I was also at fault for killing Taylor Swift, too. Man, I'm going to have to stay away from a lot of people. Tell Miley Cyrus not to come on our show."

So, what did Eads think of Bieber's thespian skills? "I think he has a lot to learn, but he was just fine for what he was doing there," Eads explained. "You know, it's not 'Gone With the Wind.' It's 'CSI'! It's four or fives lines. I mean, it's not a Rubik's cube."

Bieber fi! rst appe ared on the show in September as the tricky Jason McCann, a teen who may have a homicidal side. At the time, the show's executive producer Carol Mendelsohn told MTV News that Bieber impressed her with his acting.

"It's hard for any accomplished, mature actor to come on the set and fall right into character and do your work, so kudos to Justin," she said, adding that he did a "really good job."

Bieber's 3-D movie "Never Say Never" comes out February 11.

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