Quickies: This Will Kill Your Horny

Jimmy Buffett takes a nose dive off a stage, is hospitalized. One too many pia coladas? (Bitten & Bound)

Even Ke$ha can be a Disney Princesss! Im just waiting for that Flash Your Cootchie Princess doll! (Socialite Life)

Rosie ODonnell has her daughter watch Teen Mom to discourage her from having unprotected sex. I say, just let her watch Rosie go at it and shell sign off on sex altogether. (Bumpshack)

Ghostly pale Zuma Rossdale gets let out of his dungeon for some much-needed rays. (Seriously? OMG!)

One of these people is homeless and one is an Olsen twin. Can you figure out which is which? (Evil Beet)

Kim Kardashian wants you to believe shes never had plastic surgery. Excuse me while I laugh. (Cityrag)

Eddie Cibrian hired an image consultant to turn around his philandering sleaze image. Good luck with that. (Celebitchy)

Cameron Diazs Joker face makes A-Rod afraid to be seen with her in public. (INF Daily)

Vanessa Hudgens replaces Britney Spears as the new face of Candies, because we all know fat doesnt sell. (Moe Jackson)

Perfect Sense is probably going to be a polarizing movie, but what you really need to know is that both Ewan McGregor and Eva Green both show their naughty bits. Woot! (Pajiba)

Glee creator Ryan Murphy still has his panties in a bunch five months after Kings of Leon refused to allow them to use their music, cusses them out. (Celebs.com)

Jesse James has more Nazi pictures. Kat Von D, youve got a keeper. (The Blemish)

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