Miley Cyrus' New Gal-Pal Is...Jeremy Piven?!

John M. Heller/Getty Images; Albert Michael/startraksphoto.comPerhaps the producers of Entourage should get in touch with Miley Cyrus.Sounds like she can have a great storyline on the show with Ari Gold.Why?RELATED: Miley Cyrus: "She's a real classy lady," says Hung palWell, Jeremy Piven says he and the former Hannah Montana star hit it off right away while filming the upcoming action movie So Undercover. Cyrus stars as a private eye hired by the FBI to infiltrate a sorority. Piven plays the Fed."I think I must be an 18-year-old girl because we got along really well," Piven told me while promoting his new drama I Melt With You at the Sundance Film Festival's Bing Bar. "It was just so much fun. I had so much fun with her and we had great chemistry. It was really really weirdwe're like polar opposites."As for the Miley haters, Piven's got her back. "You know, you can judge her, but what were you doing when you were 18?" he said. "She's kind of amazing. There's something so incredibly refreshing about someone who is exactly who they are. There's nothing pretentious about her. She's this force. She loves to laugh."But most important, Piven's young nieces are big Miley fans."Right now they think I work for the bus company because they saw me on an ad for Entourage on a bus, so they asked me if I work for the bus company," he said. "I said, 'No, Uncle Jeremy doesn't work for the bus company.' I was going to explain it to them, but I was like, 'Ah, forget it.'"So finally I'll get a little respect," he said. "That's basically what my career has come down is to earn the respect of my nieces."I Melt With You is definitely not for the kids. "This is the epitome of dark," he said of the flick, which costars Rob Lowe and Thomas Jane. "It would maybe be ! impossib le to go any darker. I'm going to take my mother [to the premiere] tonight and I have to decide whether or not she should...well, there's certain things that a mother should never see her son do and this would definitely fall under that category."WATCH: More Sundance scoop
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